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Greek Hospitality & Greek History of Neurosciences

Greece, throughout the millennia, always had a  strong presence in Neuroscience. Greeks were among the first who began investigating the brain as the center of consciousness and physical functioning around 700 B.C.E. Alcmaeon of Croton (6th century BC) was the first to discover that all sensory organs, such as the eyes, were connected to the brain via channels, or poroi. He was attributed with the naming of four out the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, and smell) in understanding sensation and perception. Later, philosophers such as Plato would come to use the concept of the brain as one of the most important organs, responsible for understanding and intelligence. Hippocrates suggested the brain as the source of the Sacred Disease (epilepsy). Galen was attributed with the discovery and distinction between motor and sensory neurons. 

Similar excellence in neurosciences has been carried out by contemporary Greek neuroscientists both in Greece and abroad. Greek neuroscientists publish regularly their high impact research to internationally recognized journals and conferences.

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Greek Hospitality & Greek History of Neurosciences